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Sunday, May 22, 2011

OUT-LOOKS- Is it worth it ?

Holidays are awesome. Lying idle on the couch and doing nothing is the best thing to do. Relaxing, chilling out and surfing the idiot box, is what I love most. These senseless movie channels have so much to show on holidays. It happened that I made myself, expecting some good stuff, to watch a movie “X” starring Harish Kapoor.

About “X”- Harish is the “hero” of the movie. For Harish, every other woman in this world is beautiful, expect Mrs. Harish Kapoor. And this is for the reason – she uses high powered specs and – she has a peculiar hairstyle “choti”. Harish hated his wife the most. He found her unattractive. The climax of movie is cosmetic transformation of Mrs. Kapoor and Harish finds her true love in transformed her.

My mind began to be more curious to know about the importance of LOOKS in ones life. -Is it that important? How can conversion of specs to lens and hair straightening made Harish change his mind? Are looks that important? Do people judge human on their outlooks?

The obvious answer from majority of junta will be “yes”. They would say first look of a person makes paramount impact, be it an official interview, making new friends or matrimonial proposal. They would add- Who does not feel like looking good? And more importantly- Who does not feel like looking good, if leads to greater acceptance?

This new age of medication has brought a new concept of CHANGING looks. Now one can be like the one it always dreamt of. People can achieve their innermost desire of public acceptance by some superficial changes. Going under the knife was common among women. We have a whole list of bollywood actresses. But now men are also inclined towards it. Statistics prove it.

The cosmetic surgeons are making their fortunes. So many new concepts- botox, liposuction, trichology, blah blah (and the list goes on). And, guess what, their clients consider them as Gods. I wished I would have been a cosmetic surgeon too (to make big fortunes).

There’s a TV serial series named “Nip tuck”. I have seen few couples of episodes. The series is about the individual cases of people who wanted to get their outlook changed. Every case had a different reason for change. I was horrified to see the importance people give about their image in others thoughts. In one of the episode an obese girl wanted to shred half of her body fats (infact body) just for the simple reason that she wanted to attend college prom night as a slim structure. Surgeon’s acceptance of impossibility of this fat reduction made her commit suicide. – Again I thought, is it worth it?

Is it worth it? Is it worth it?

I know I will never to get any conclusive answer. But for me, I will never go for laser treatment to remove my specs. I know its personal choice. And every body thinks differently.

About “X”, I still don’t know the title of the movie and Harish Kapoor is an upcoming actor in pollywood!